
Friday, July 29, 2011

Are you a Brave Girl?

Let me let you in on one of my favorite sites in the whole wide world! Its called the Brave Girls club! I love it! I was introduced to it a few months ago when I started attended a birth mother group. I love their blog posts and I absolutely love the daily truths? Why do you ask... Because I am such a firm believer in the fact that each one of us is amazing and special and loved.... But sadly from time to time we all forget that or things happen that just make us feel plain awful... and some times it hurts to be happy...
Well Every morning I wake up to these daily truths and they just put a smile on my face what a way to start a day! I suggest you all go here now and sign up...
Here is so far my favorite one

And Link this story with this blog post from them here

I love it I think so many times we lose sight of the bigger picture focusing on something that hurts us  but it doesn't just hurt us it ends up controlling us and  making us lose sight of the things that are important and its hard to let the pain got and look at the beauty around us. I know so many times I take my trail and make it my life instead of take my trail and make it work around my life... Trials make us who we are they make us stronger but I know I tend to shut people and the world out when I am hurting how amazing would it be if I let people help me and in turn help others!

I love the Brave girls club... I hope you all sign up for the daily truth so you can all start your day off with a smile know how amazing and wonderful you are!

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