Before I start let me just say this.... I understand Glee is a show for ratings and totally understand that FOX doesn't really care about what the adoption world thinks about their story plot.
However I must say how sorry I am that they were not able to show the amazing power and love adoption can bring. to someones life.
I am a huge choir nerd I love choir and so 3 years ago when I heard about it glee I was SO excited! I love the music they do its amazing! The first year the head cheerleader Quinn became pregnant and decided to place her little girl for adoption... However the makers of Glee don't feel that place is the right word they choose to use give up. They also have made points that birth mothers don't want or love the child that was placed. and they have also show how placing a child for adoption can ruin your life...
I am so sad that the chance Fox had to teach those who watch this show about the blessing of adoption has been lost in showing the horrible side of adoption. This is my opinion others can have their own.
Let me just say this.. i didn't give Bryce up... I placed him in the arms of a loving couple who will help him grow ti be a better man... I love Bryce and I placed him out of love, I did not place him because i did not want him... I placed him because he needed and deserved more then I could give.... Birth mothers aren't evil people who make a sudden choice and regret it for the rest of their lives adoption is not an impulse decision its something that takes alot of guts to do its something that seriously tears your heart out.... I will always love my sweet little Bryce but that little part of me that cries over him not being with me rejoices in seeing him be with the two people I trusted enough to place him with and watching him grow and talk and laugh and learn. I love tell the world that I am a Birth Mother and here is why!
So Fox... I hope you know your are wrong and adoption is a wonderful blessing!
Amen Katy. I got chills reading this, especially your last paragraphs. THANK you for standing up for adoption and the wonderful world that it is.